Data Sharing Toolkit

A site to share data on

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Module 2

Assessing in-country potential for data sharing

2. group of people examine a soil sample
Module 2

Is the proposed collection, access, use and sharing of data in line with funder policies and supported by in-country data policies and regulations?

This module focuses on understanding the in-country requirements for integrating FAIR and safeguarded data within an investment to help deliver even greater impact.

eLearning Module

How to empower participants to support investments by evaluating the in-country potential for data sharing.

Tools and Resources

This module contains agriculture data profiles for Ethiopia, Kenya, India and Tanzania, together with a cheat sheet, and, a template for you to generate a profile.

What does good look like?

Are the country’s policies understood, and can this project adhere to / exceed them?

Module 2

eLearning Module

Login or sign-up for a free CABI Academy account to get started. In this module you will learn:

  • How to describe the factors that contribute to an enabling environment
  • To identify the stakeholders that may impact the enabling environment
  • To map/match these stakeholders core constraints
  • To evaluate the impact of core constraints on the project
  • How to plan support for data investments.
2. group of people examine a soil sample
Module 2

Tools and Resources

Cheat Sheet

Assessing in-country potential for data sharing

All the key points from the eLearning module in one tidy document.

Guide: Template

Agriculture data country profile template

Use this template to aid your broad landscape review of the main data and agriculture related laws, policies and their regulators across a particular country (or region of the world).

Guide: Ethiopia

Agriculture data country profile of Ethiopia

This document provides background information on the data policy and a wider context for agriculture projects in Ethiopia, as a learning resource for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation program officers.

Guide: Kenya

Agriculture data country profile of Kenya​

This document provides background information on the data policy and a wider context for agriculture projects in Kenya, as a learning resource for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation program officers.

Guide: India

Agriculture data country profile of India

This document provides background information on the data policy and a wider context for agriculture projects in India, as a learning resource for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation program officers.

Guide: Tanzania

Agriculture data country profile of Tanzania

This document provides an overview of the capacity and infrastructure relating to data and technology that is in place in Tanzania.

Module 2

What does good look like?


Is the proposed collection, access, use and sharing of data in line with funder policies and supported by in-country data policies and regulations?

Data Purposeful

The investment identifies in-country and funder policies for data and clearly identifies any mismatches and articulates how to address, and in places exceed, these policies in regards to data collection, access, use and sharing.

Data Aware

The investment identifies some existing data policies (funder and in-country) and is working towards understanding them, but gaps remain.

Data Unintentional

The investment does not consider existing data policy, regulations or best practice, either relating to in-country or funder policies.

To find the definitions of these headings and see what good practice looks like across all seven modules: Download PDF

3. two men in a field checking information on a tablet

Module 3

Reusing data from third-party sources

Does this investment build on and contribute to existing data from multiple sources?

More often than not, there are many people and organizations involved in a project, with diverse needs. They may also come with distinct sources of data. There are learnable skills to help ensure these people and sources work together for the best possible outcomes.