Data Sharing Toolkit

A site to share data on

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Module 1

Considering data in investments

1. two men checking information on their phones on a farm
Module 1
Is this investment proposing to collect, access, use or share data or information?

This module helps make the grant process smoother and the results more impactful by detailing what is needed for integrating Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) and safeguarded data within an investment.

eLearning Module

How to identify and then deliver FAIR and safeguarded data investments.

Tools and Resources

There is a cheat sheet and a checklist, plus the BonaRes case study and the CSISA case study.

What does good look like?

Is the data FAIR and safeguarded, and can further actions can be taken?

Module 1

eLearning Module

Login or sign-up for a free CABI Academy account to get started. In this module you will learn:

  • Why FAIR and safeguarded data within investments is important
  • What makes data FAIR and safeguarded
  • How to identify common constraints/challenges
  • How to identify FAIR and safeguarded data investments.
1. two men checking information on their phones on a farm
Module 1

Tools and Resources

Cheat Sheet

Considering data in investments

All the key points from the eLearning module in one tidy document.

Case Study: BonaRes

Making soil data FAIR and open

How developing a community-driven soil database can support farmers in decision making, using the example of the work by BonaRes.

Case Study: CSISA

Improving food security through harmonized soil data in South Asia

What the Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA) learned about making data FAIR as they developed a soil intelligence system.


Identifying investments that require FAIR and safeguarded data

This checklist helps identify investments likely to involve or require the collection, access, use, or sharing of data, for both the grantee and the program officer.

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Module 1

What does good look like?


Is this investment proposing to collect, access, use or share data or information?

Data Purposeful

The investment has identified a large number of datasets in their grant that will be generated, accessed, used and shared. These range from primary data, necessary to achieve the grants aim, to secondary data that is generated or collected as part of the project lifecycle (e.g. M&E data).

Data Aware

The investment is aware that some activities will require the generation or use of data and is working towards identifying these and the data they will require or generate.

Data Unintentional

The investment has not considered whether activities in the grant will generate or use data.


The grantee has considered the above and is comfortable no data will be generated or used from their activities.

To find the definitions of these headings and see what good practice looks like across all seven modules: Download PDF
2. group of people examine a soil sample

Module 2

Assessing in-country potential for data sharing

Is the proposed collection, access, use and sharing of data in line with funder policies and supported by in-country data policies and regulations?

This module focuses on understanding the in-country requirements for integrating FAIR and safeguarded data within an investment to help deliver even greater impact.